Cedar Waxwing |
Cedar Waxwings are officially my new favourite bird to photograph
Canada Goose |
I spent some time photographing the geese, before they were all chased off by somebody trying to take a photo with their smartphone
Goslings |
These goslings were adorable, but what wasn't adorable was how there were about fifty Canada Geese in total taking up the shoreline gathering around somebody who was feeding them. Just a shout out to anyone considering feeding waterfowl, please don't. The populations become out of control very quickly and can do a lot of damage to the eco-system.
Goslings |
Cedar Waxwing |
Song Sparrow |
Song Sparrow |
Cedar Waxwing |
Cedar Waxwing |
Song Sparrow |
Song Sparrow |
Grey Catbird |
Grey Catbird |
Nice blog Jack.